Nonpublic Schools (Not Seeking State Approval)

To submit attendance data for your school in accordance with R.S. 17:232(C), complete the form below.

If you enter your email address, you will automatically receive a confirmation email after submitting this form.

 Step 1: School Information

School Year: 
School Name: 
Total number of students enrolled:   

Step 2: Contact Information

School Leader’s Name: 
Phone #:   
Street Address:   

Providing your e-mail address allows the Louisiana Department of Education to automatically e-mail you a confirmation that your attendance has been submitted.

 Step 3: Agree to Assurance Statement and Submit Attendance Data

By checking this box and entering my name above, I, the leader of the above named nonpublic school, hereby attest that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I agree, on behalf of the school, to comply with student enrollment notification requirements as indicated in R.S. 17:232.C.
  You must agree to the above assurance statement before submitting your attendance data.